Testsealabs COVID-19 Antigen Test cassette (Australia)
Product Detail:
The COVID-19 Antgen Test Cassette is a rapid test for thequaitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigen inanterior nasal swabs.It is used to aid in the diagnosis ofSARS-CoV-2 infection that may lead to COVID-19 dseaso.
The test is suitable for people with symptoms.Minors must betested with theassistance of an adult.
The test is single use only and intended for self-testing,it isrecommended to use thistestwithin 7 days ofsymptom onset.
The cOvID-19 Anugen lest Casselle is a quajitauve immunoassaybased on a membrane for the detection of SARS-CoV-2Nucleocapsid (N)antigen in nasal swabs.In this assay,an anti-SARS-CoV-2-N antibody is immobilised in the test zone of themembrane.After a sample is placed in the sample well,it reactswith ant-SARS-CoV-2-N antibody coated particles that are on thesample pad.This mixture migrates chromatographically along thelength of the test membrane and interacts with the immobilisedanti-SARS-CoV-2-N antibody.
If the sample contains SARS-CoV-2 antigen,a coloured lineappears in the test line region,indicating a positive result.If thesample does not oontain SARS-CoV-2 antigen,no coloured lineappears in this area,indicating a negative result.As a proceduralcontrol,a coloured line always appears in the control line region,indicating that the correct sample volume has been added and themembranehas been wetted through.
Composition |
Amount |
Specification |
1 |
/ |
Test cassette |
1 |
/ |
Extraction diluent |
500μL*1 Tube *25 |
/ |
Dropper tip |
1 |
/ |
Swab |
1 |
/ |
Test Procedure:
5.Carefully remove the swab without touching the tip.Insert the entire tip of the swab 2 to 3 cm into the right nostril.Note the breaking point of the nasal swab.You can feel this with your fingers when inserting the nasal swab or check it in the mimnor. Rub the inside of the nostril in circular movements 5 times for at least 15 seconds,Now take the same nasal swab and insert it into the other nostril.Swab the inside of the nostril in a circular motion 5 times for at least 15 seconds. Please perform the test directly with the sample and do not
6.Place the swab in the extraction tube.Rotate the swab for about 10 seconds,Rotate the swab against the extraction tube,pressing the head of the swab against the inside of the tube while squeezing the sides of the tube to release as much liquid as possible from the swab. |
7. Take out the swab from the package without touching the padding. |
8.Mix thoroughly by flicking the bottom of the tube.Place 3 drops of the sample vertically into the sample well of the test cassette.Read the result after 15 minutes. Note:Read the result within 20 minutes.Otherwise,are petition of the test is recommended. |
Results Interpretation: